Day 1: Umoja (Unity)
To strive for an maintain unity in the family, community, nation and race.
Sigh...I can't believe I'm doing this. This is bullshit.
So, reluctantly, I decide to light a candle and say a little prayer yesterday.
I dedicate the day to the first principle "Umoja". Unity.
But I can't stop giggling, because all I can think of is that Dave Chappelle "Rick James" sketch. Remember when Rick punched Charlie Murphy in the forehead with his "Unity" ring? POW! UNITY!!!
So yeah. Unity. Let's see... What can I do to maintain unity in my family, community, nation? Shit! This is daunting as hell! The NATION? I gotta unite THE NATION? Isn't that why I elected Obama? Shouldn't that take care of things? Don't I get a free pass for this one?
Well first things first I suppose. Identify the lack of unity in my own life. OK. Uh... easy.
I had a falling out with one of the closest people to me. Like...a huge one.
Yikes. Do I want to own that though? I mean...that sorta hurts...and it's embarrassing and can't we just forget about it and move on to the next thing? I've done so much good since then... can't I just send a card or something?
("...What did the five fingers say to the face? SLAP!")
Heavy sigh. Yeah. I gotta own it. Because I was wrong and I guess in healing my nation...I gotta start with me. (Thus says all my S.C. teaching...)
So I see the yellow bricks... this is the clearly the road I'm supposed to ease on down. Staring at it won't get the journey started ...starts with one step I guess. And now I'm M.J. as the Scarecrow...trying to steady my shaky, rubbery legs taking my first steps on the path. (Why are those damn cabs always off duty? Heavy sigh...)
(Ease on...)
Me: "Hey..."
(Ease on...)
Me: "Busy today?"
(..Don't you carry nothin'...)
Me: "Uh...Wanna ... go out? Grab a movie or something and talk?"
"Sure. What do you want to see?"
(...That might be a load...)
Me: "Really?! Oh. Uh...Umm...your choice."
(...Come on ease on down...ease on down the road...)
And you know what? It really wasn't that bad. I mean, awkward at first. Very awkward.
The veil of a ruined but familiar friendship cloaked everything for a while, but after a good movie, sushi, sake and some real talk...things don't seem as bad as they did.
And we're sure not as close as we were, and may never be, but at least I'm on the road.
So what does this have to do with Kwanzaa aside from the fact that we're both black? Not a fucking thing. I think this is just about being a human adult. Owning up to your bullshit and making amends.
So I thank the first principle for pushing me into it, but why black people should own this alone is beyond me.
Or maybe I'm doing it wrong. Which is highly likely.
Oh. I almost forgot! The props!
Well...I got ate a tangerine, lit a candle, thought about burning some incense and wearing some oil but didn't because I didn't want to attract other Kwanzaaians who might smell it and want to have a deep discussion about it. Then I'd just be exposed as a fraud (and the Pan-African set really doesn't feel my light eyed, curly haired ass as is. Hell. I don't even know the proper Pan-African greeting. Hotep? or something...right? )
Oh. I kept my hair in a fro today. I think that's enough ritual for me.
Next up...Kujichagulia (Self-Determination)
:To define ourselves, name ourselves, create for ourselves and speak for ourselves.
Great. This just isn't going to get it?
To strive for an maintain unity in the family, community, nation and race.
Sigh...I can't believe I'm doing this. This is bullshit.
So, reluctantly, I decide to light a candle and say a little prayer yesterday.
I dedicate the day to the first principle "Umoja". Unity.
But I can't stop giggling, because all I can think of is that Dave Chappelle "Rick James" sketch. Remember when Rick punched Charlie Murphy in the forehead with his "Unity" ring? POW! UNITY!!!
So yeah. Unity. Let's see... What can I do to maintain unity in my family, community, nation? Shit! This is daunting as hell! The NATION? I gotta unite THE NATION? Isn't that why I elected Obama? Shouldn't that take care of things? Don't I get a free pass for this one?
Well first things first I suppose. Identify the lack of unity in my own life. OK. Uh... easy.
I had a falling out with one of the closest people to me. Like...a huge one.
Yikes. Do I want to own that though? I mean...that sorta hurts...and it's embarrassing and can't we just forget about it and move on to the next thing? I've done so much good since then... can't I just send a card or something?
("...What did the five fingers say to the face? SLAP!")
Heavy sigh. Yeah. I gotta own it. Because I was wrong and I guess in healing my nation...I gotta start with me. (Thus says all my S.C. teaching...)
So I see the yellow bricks... this is the clearly the road I'm supposed to ease on down. Staring at it won't get the journey started ...starts with one step I guess. And now I'm M.J. as the Scarecrow...trying to steady my shaky, rubbery legs taking my first steps on the path. (Why are those damn cabs always off duty? Heavy sigh...)
(Ease on...)
Me: "Hey..."
(Ease on...)
Me: "Busy today?"
(..Don't you carry nothin'...)
Me: "Uh...Wanna ... go out? Grab a movie or something and talk?"
"Sure. What do you want to see?"
(...That might be a load...)
Me: "Really?! Oh. Uh...Umm...your choice."
(...Come on ease on down...ease on down the road...)
And you know what? It really wasn't that bad. I mean, awkward at first. Very awkward.
The veil of a ruined but familiar friendship cloaked everything for a while, but after a good movie, sushi, sake and some real talk...things don't seem as bad as they did.
And we're sure not as close as we were, and may never be, but at least I'm on the road.
So what does this have to do with Kwanzaa aside from the fact that we're both black? Not a fucking thing. I think this is just about being a human adult. Owning up to your bullshit and making amends.
So I thank the first principle for pushing me into it, but why black people should own this alone is beyond me.
Or maybe I'm doing it wrong. Which is highly likely.
Oh. I almost forgot! The props!
Well...I got ate a tangerine, lit a candle, thought about burning some incense and wearing some oil but didn't because I didn't want to attract other Kwanzaaians who might smell it and want to have a deep discussion about it. Then I'd just be exposed as a fraud (and the Pan-African set really doesn't feel my light eyed, curly haired ass as is. Hell. I don't even know the proper Pan-African greeting. Hotep? or something...right? )
Oh. I kept my hair in a fro today. I think that's enough ritual for me.
Next up...Kujichagulia (Self-Determination)
:To define ourselves, name ourselves, create for ourselves and speak for ourselves.
Great. This just isn't going to get it?

Ease on...
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