
So...two years ago, I was hemmin' and hawin' about getting braces.
I had this baby tooth you see and...blah..blah..blah.
Well, the point is... I did it!
Two years of hiding my smile, working on boosting that personality so that nobody could see that big ass gaping hole in my mouth where my baby tooth used to be.
And I know what I said, but really, it was worth every single penny. Dime. Dollar. Thousands of them.
Who give a shit if you're poor if you feel like a million bucks?
OK. I wasn't exactly poor.
I budgeted. Planned. And used the hell out of my Flex-Spend account.
The HELL out of it.
Cost: $8,000 for clear ceramic
And there's no "Black Factor" in this. Busted teeth are universal.
And yes, I'd do it all over again. Even the "rubberband stage", which, was a bitch.
However, the pain is lessened when you've got a stupid hot orthodontist.
I'd give you his info, but he doesn't practice anymore.
BUT I can brag because I got to look up lovingly at this for about two years...
IKR?!! |
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