My teeth are jacked up.
OK. Maybe not in the extremely bucktoothed kinda way that turns people off...but still.
They're jacked up.
See...I have this baby tooth that a dentist "forgot" to pull. So after 30 some-odd years, I have to take matters into my own hands.
Or rather, the hands of a professional.
And I'd be a liar if I said this was strictly about health. It's not.
It's about smiling and feeling like I'm NOT looking like a Xenomorph (the monster from "Alien"...for the anti-geeks...).
So I went for my first consultation and I wish I could say it went well.
Bottom line.
Your girl has to get the baby tooth pulled in order to shift everything over so I have Eva Langoria teeth.
Now, it's not in the EXTREME front of my grill...it actually rests on the side.
But seriously,...have you ever seen someone who had a missing tooth and thought anything but...
"Damn...what the fuck happened?"
Me neither.
So needless to say, I'm a bit anxious.
It's a whole year (to two years) of having a missing a tooth AND hardware in my mouth that gives me that oh-so-sexy "Tootie" look.
Now, I'd love to say that my self-esteem is so intact that I can actually go through with this and be OK with oral sex being a serious concern, but I'm not.
And I know that in two years, the hardware will pay off with a sick smile...but still.
And let's also factor in the cost.
Braces, at least the ones I'm looking at , cost.. well..
COST: $7G's (not including the great job benefit deductible) over the course of the interest free payment plan.
TIME: Monthly visits for adjustments and cleaning
AM I GOING TO DO IT: We'll see. I'm going for my (second) consultation. If he comes down off that number a thousand or so... it's possible.
Let you know.
is a bitch.
UPDATE: Want to see the AFTER? Hell yeah you do. Then go HERE!!