I hate to tell you this...but you're just not that smart.
Sorry. But you just aren't. Neither am I.
Nor do I have a lot of time. Seriously...who does?
I'm not smart enough, nor do I have the time on my precious 48 hours off from my 9-5 to...
Buy a digital camera, find the driver, install it, hook up my camera to my computer, create a folder, load all my pictures in...
Open Photoshop (assuming I've learned it), re size, adjust, trim, color correct...
Hook up my printer, print out the correct size and shape of each...OR save it onto a disk so that I can take it to Kodak so they can print it out for me.
However, I am smart enough to plug my camera in...click "yes" and watch as it automatically loads everything into iPhoto, labeling all my new pictures with a new "event" tab and date...FOR ME. Then click "print". Done.
Sure, I'm learning Final Cut Pro...but when I'm not trying to be Spielberg and just want to do something simple... iMovie. (And if you don't know Final Cut...iMovie.)
I want to make a calender. Listen to music. Watch movies. Write this damn blog...
IT DOES IT ALL. And when you turn it on, it's easy.
Your iPod? Duh.
I'm not saying toss your PC out the window. But when it crashes and can't load anything (because it WILL crash...Macs don't, by the way...) you should seriously consider buying a shiny, new Mac.
When you walk into the Apple store on Fifth Ave. in New York City, the first thing you'll notice is the big ass glass cube with...that's right, the Apple logo on it.
It sorta looks like a scaled down version of that gaudy ass triangle thingie in front of the Louvre. The second thing you'll notice is that you'll need to descend a winding staircase, which makes you feel as if you're being lowered into the magical world of Apple. Which you are.
(OK...you COULD take the glass covered elevator, but that's just lazy.)
Then you'll notice the people. It's fucking crowded. Like...PACKED.
On every computer, every ipod, every iPhone...is in use. And why wouldn't it be?
You can access the Internet on any of the computers and play around with any of the programs that are loaded onto the machines.
You can plug into the iPods and play with them. Or, plug up YOUR iPod to recharge it.
You can make free phone calls with the iPhones on display.
It's a candy store for free communication...with no time limit.
The sales people are easy to spot. They're the ones with the green teeshirts and the "iPod" name tags. And they are eager to help.
"So, do you have any questions?" asked iPod Guy.
"Nope, I'm good. I want that." I said, pointing at the new iMac. I'd played with it for about five minutes and that experience changed me from being 88.9% sure about my purchase to 99.9%. (Nothing is absolute.)
"OK. Do you have any questions? Did you see the tutorial online?" he asked, concerned about my dropping hundreds of dollars without question. Awww. See? They care.
"Oh yes, I'm sure. I saw it. I played with it...it's coming home."
He smiled and commandeered the closest iMac to us, pushing a guy aside who huffily stated, "I'm thinking about buying this..."
"OK. Well, I'll put in your order next if you're ready. But she's ready now."
Money talks asswipe.
I get a discount thanks to my job...albeit, not a huge one, but hey.
Up to the counter, I tell them my name, and a few minutes later, out comes my baby.
I pay...(ouch. I'll get to it...) and begin to ascend the spiral stairs with the heavier-than-I-thought box. It's 20 inches and for some reason, fucking huge.
As I ascend, I gets nods of approval. She's done it. She's got the new iMac. Way to go. WAY TO GO. I almost expected a slow-clap to begin. It didn't.
OK. So I did have ONE tiny..."what the fuck did I just do" moment of financial panic, but that was soon quelled when I removed the iMac from the box.
My first reaction was...is this IT? I mean, for the money, shouldn't it come with...I dunno...MORE?
At the same time, I said..wow. This is...IT! That's all that comes in the box! Fucking COOL.
Then I peeled off the plastic protection...ooooh. It's..GLOSSY. Then I started it up. And it greeted me...and set it's own damn self up. WAY easier than any Mac I've had previously. (There have been two.)
Then I started up iLife 08'. This is when my life changed.
When I realized, I CAN finish my novel. I CAN organize my photos. I CAN finish the video of Las Vegas adventure. I can... watch a DVD and feel like I'm watching it on a screen that's BETTER than my HDTV. (Which kinda pissed me off a bit but hey.) I can create calenders. I can organize...MY FUCKING LIFE. And that's when I realized the money was worth it. So. Fucking. Worth it.
So I know that Dell desktop only cost you $300 bucks, but think about what else it's costing you. Time. Patience. A trip to the Geek Squad. Buying a web camera. Trying to figure out what a freakn' DRIVE is. Who needs it.
Get a Mac. Don't do it for me. Do it for your digital camera. Cuz you know damn well you're tired of organizing those photos. Damn well.
Cost: 20" base model (which is really all you need) $1,299...plus tax.
Is It Worth It: I've successfully converted three PC users to Mac. And they all agree loud and clear...HELL. FUCKING. YES.
BULLWINKIE Macs don't crash!!!! They sure do! And when they do it's ugly and you have to pack the whole thing up and take it back to the All-white Store with the all-white people so they can make your black-ass feel even more stupider because only THEY can fix it.
PCs still rock. Having used both (hey, I'm typing on all-white mac even as we "speak"... but when I go home I make love with my all-black PC) AND call myself a graphic designer, I will NEVER go Mac. Never. And I still don't have a damn iPod either cuz everytime I think about downloading music I think about all the graphic designers who no longer get to design freakin' cool Album ('scuse me, CD) covers anymore.
Mac is wack!
It's all love... I've encountered this before with PC users. Everyone just take it easy.
I understand. Really. I work on a Mac and a PC daily...and for work...sure. PC has it's advantages, and for those who love all that...trouble.
Example (true story...):
Lady in Circut City "So, if I spend $500 on the service plan...you'll fix anything that goes wrong?"
Circut City Employee "Exactly".
(This brings the cost of her $600 PC laptop up to $1100...without tax.)
(One asile over...lady holding broken PC laptop...)
Other Lady In Circut City "What do you mean, you can't fix it?"
Other Circut City Employee "You'll have to send it back to the company. We can't fix it here."
OLICC "But I have the plan..."
OCCE "We don't fix things on site ma'am. You'll have to send it back."
...and wait 30 -60 days.
Apple...there's a "Genius Bar". You make your appointment, they fix it and if they can't, guess what? You walk away with a brand new Mac. And if they've upgraded since you've bought, you get the new version. Oh. They transfer your files for you as well. AND give you back your original computer. There's no extra cost for the Genius Bar. It's included when you buy a Mac.
As for graphic design for CD covers. Just google " iTunes Coverflow".
But don't stop there. Download any of the hundreds of podcasts out there from amazing graphic designers offering tips and tricks...oh wait. No iPod. So no iTunes then, huh? Wow.
We've got a lot to work to do.
And remember...the first step is admitting you have a problem.
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